Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Love covers a multitude of sins.

I woke up crabby today. 

And I woke up to a bossy, argumentative, stubborn toddler. 

The two do NOT mix well! 

I was very aware that today was not going to be a smooth sailing day, especially if I tried to get through on my own. Which, let's be honest, is usually what I do. And I fail. all. the. time. I can't get through an easy day on my own so why I so often think I can cake walk a hard on my own is beyond me. Oh wait- it's not. I do that because I'm selfish and a know it all. I think that God can't be bothered or isn't good enough to help me. I need Him to get through each day so it's not a complete disaster.

So, throughout my morning I fluctuated back and forth from asking God for patience and love for my nemesis of the day to letting myself get overly frustrated and angry. The morning wasn't a complete train wreck, which was a very nice and appreciated blessing. There was a lot of TV watching, not gonna lie.

Then this afternoon after cleaning (more about that project in a few days) I found a card from the hubs. He put a list of Scripture references in there for me to look up so I did. One in particular popped out at me and is challenging my heart and the way I view my kid specifically.

1 Peter 4:8
"Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins." (ESV)

When Titus is driving me crazy, by arguing with everything I ask/tell him to do, by bossing me around, or by just blatantly not obeying I need to keep loving him. Oh, I will always love him but there are times when that's easier to act on than others.

How can I expect Titus to grow up and obey this verse if I'm not doing it for him on a daily basis? The answer? I can't. It's that simple. My pastor says it this way, "You teach what you know, but you reproduce what you are." That phrase is quite humbling and I'm very grateful for that piece of wisdom.

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