Monday, June 4, 2012

Follow through

I laugh at my ability to follow through!!! One of my goals that I blogged about last time was to post on a regular basis! Haha! It's been almost two months!!! I must also admit that I've done a lousy job at the other goals on my list. I laugh at myself to hide my disgust and shame. God has been working on my heart and convicting me of my selfish laziness. I'm so grateful for His faithfulness!!! I don't know if I tried to change too much at once or if I just was too lazy. It could be a combination of both as well. So for this week I'm narrowing things down. I have 3 things that I want to work on improving. 1. Spending time with Jesus EVERYDAY! Even if it's only 5 minutes. I need that time everyday. It makes such a huge difference in my mental and emotional health for the day. 2. Staying on top of dishes. My original goal was to go to bed with all the dishes done. This is still my ultimate goal but I want to do dishes after every meal so I don't have a huge pile at the end of the night when I'm exhausted. 3. Get my house back to normal and establish a cleaning routine. We have had a really busy season and my house is the proof!!! This week I want to tame the chaos and figure out a way to stay on top of it in the future. After this week I have more that I want to work on but I'm trying. Of to think about all that right now. Feel free to check in on me and call me out on my laziness if you see it!!!

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