Saturday, June 23, 2012

Nap time

Rya has been a rock star when it comes to nap time. She prefers going to sleep on her own, except on the rare occasion. She falls asleep on her back and then shortly after I flip her to her stomach to prolong her naps. On her back she sleeps 30-45 minutes but on her stomach (gasp!) she sleeps 1.5-3 hours.

It's been so hot this past week we pretty much lived downstairs where fans kept it nice and cool.

This week Rya figured out how to roll over. Yay! My little girl is growing up. :) However that causes problems with nap time. Instead of snuggling in for a nap she keeps rolling over. This wouldn't be a problem except that if Rya is on her stomach and awake for any length of time she ends up spitting up- which makes her mad. Needless to say there's been an adjustment and we're still figuring it out. Last night I pulled out her favorite blanket and she settled right down. It's been so hot I haven't had it out, but if it helps her fall asleep who cares how hot it is! 

This morning she wanted to sleep on her back. Every time I would flip her over she would wake up and get mad, but go right back to sleep after I put her back on her back.

Her foot is on the blanket, which is apparently all the contact she needed. Usually she has it snuggled in her arms.
(I love that shirt she's wearing! It has an underwear-like bottom piece but that's too small for her legs. :o)  )

She actually just woke up- the typical 30 minute nap. However I'm going to leave her for a little while and see if she goes back to sleep. Here's hoping!!!

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