Monday, November 12, 2012

Rya's Favorite Activity

Rya is all over the place these days. She loves exploring and following chasing Titus around. She wants to do what he does and gets mad when either she can't or he won't let her. We are in the throws of sharing Rya and Titus how to share. It's so much fun! (Haha not really. Although when they do it well that is pretty cool to see!)

Anyway in all of Rya's exploring she has found a new favorite activity. It's one that can drive me crazy if I don't have the correct perspective but I'm working on it. :o)

Rya has found the book shelf. And she has discovered it's very easy and fun to take the books off of said shelf.

I don't know why- but I though this face was hilarious! Apparently my flash is too bright. :o)

Either talking on a cell phone or praising Jesus. 

"SO big!"

The resulting mess.

Now I just need to teach her how to put the books back....

1 comment:

  1. I got rid of my coffee table when my youngest was at the "pull everything off and then find another messy surface" stage. They say it's developmentally appropriate, but gah! I was glad when we moved on to the next stage.
