Thursday, September 15, 2011


I don't know if any of you have heard of a program/challenge called Maximize Your Mornings. It was started by Kat and it's an amazing thing! It's a challenge where you are grouped up with about 10 other women who are all striving to get up for their families and not with their families. It's a challenge to get up before your family and to have your quiet time with God, exercise, and whatever else you want to get done before they get up. In your groups you check in everyday and encourage the ladies in your group and they struggle along with you to get up and get moving. It's a really crazy, awesome idea to be accountable to women from all over!

I've read about this challenge for about a year- it happens in the fall and spring- and I have always felt the twinge of "I should do that." I struggle with getting up in the morning and so I usually just don't. Then Titus wakes me up and it definitely makes for a crankier mommy than he needs!!!

Today was my first day and it was a fail. Not because I slept in, but because Titus woke up at 5:30am!! Granted I didn't realize that the challenge started today and so I didn't plan on waking up before him. But, I definitely did NOT plan on getting up that early!! However- I did spend time with God as soon at Ti went down for his nap. I'm happy that I was able to have some quiet time. My first thought was to jump back in bed myself, but then I saw the emails from my group memebers checking in. Thank you Jesus for that swift reminder!!!

MYM has already started for the fall but pray about joining for the spring- or get together with a group of your friends and do it on your own. :o)

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