Friday night I was looking forward to taking a shower. I have been debating on and off to switch to the no-poo method of washing my hair. I have avoided it because, well I'm lazy, and I really haven't been in the mood to deal with transition hair. I've heard it can be greasy and unruly. But lately my hair has been ridiculously greasy anyway. Maybe it's pregnancy hormones or the fact that I've needed to use a little conditioner to be able to get a comb through my hair. I don't know. But either way Friday night I decided to just try it and see how my hair felt after. I could always wash it the regular way after if I wasn't satisfied. So I grabbed a small snack container and poured a bunch of baking soda into it. In the shower I slowly added water to make a watery paste. I rubbed the paste into my roots and scalp and gently ran the rest of it over my hair as I rinsed it out. My hair felt kind of dry and knotty but not terribly so. I decided to use a pea sized amount of conditioner on all my hair but the roots just to make combing it easier.
After the shower I was able to comb my hair no problem. It definitely felt different. Parts of it felt greasy and parts felt very dry. And my hair felt like that all weekend. Brushing it would make it feel smoother again and wearing it up reduced how dry and knotty it felt. I kept checking for signs of grease all weekend and haven't seen any. I haven't really checked yet this morning but my hair doesn't feel any different.
I'm going to keep going with this and then possibly might test with regular shampoo in a week or so. I thoroughly enjoy not having to wash my hair everyday because of greasy hair.
The other aspect of my crunchiness this weekend was with Essential oils. Rya came down with a cold and wasn't sleeping well. Friday night I didn't have any oils yet so I put Vicks on her feet with socks and then rubbed some into a wet washcloth that I hung in front of her fan. That seemed to help although around 3 am she woke up and then had a hard time settling back down.
Saturday morning I went to a local store that sells essential oils and other herbal things as well as some other stuff. I bought Rosemary oil to put in our humidifiers because it can help clean out your sinuses and make it easier to breathe. I also bought Lavender oil because it can help calm and induce rest. Which after being up with Rya for almost 3 hours Friday night we needed rest. I have some maintenance work to do on the humidifiers so for nap time Saturday I just put Rosemary oil on the washcloth like I did with the Vicks. It definitely seemed to help. I like the smell of it! Just rocking Rya in the same room as it helped clear my nose out!
I put a couple of drops of Lavender oil on Rya's feet Saturday night and she slept all night. Did the same last night and she got up once but she fell asleep pretty quickly. I used it on Titus last night as well. He still got up a few time we but he calmed down and fell asleep quicker than usual. I do NOT like the smell of the lavender. It doesn't smell like the conventional lavender scent that you would get in a store. Although, I'm not a huge fan of that smell either.
I've enjoyed my crunchy weekend. I'm going to keep going with the oils until Rya clears up (and Bryan who now has a cold).
Hope you all had a good weekend!!
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