Tuesday, April 5, 2011


My son breaks my heart! It's nap time. He's beyond ready for sleep and yet he's upstairs crying. He's been crying for 25 minutes now. There was a lull and I was hoping he would drift off but no! He started up again. I have checked on him and he's fine- just stubborn. He still prefers to sleep in our bed even though he has a brand new crib that is awesome! (Thanks to Gramma Sherri!)

 I don't know if it's the teething or a possible growth spurt but this little boy is so clingy! I love that he wants and needs me. I really do. I know it doesn't seem like it as I sit here and write this post while he's upstairs crying. But I do love him. I love him so much that I want him to be able to sleep, and sleep on his own, and sleep well. We're working on that first part and the second will be my next target. You see, my fantastic little boy has ceased sleeping through the night. I thought I had it made. In reality, I did have it made. Titus slept through the night consistently from August to December. Then he started getting teeth, and sick, and more teeth, and sick again. Sickness has passed, but teeth are still coming and he has lost the ability to sleep through the night apparently. I'm grateful for the time he did sleep through the night. It was awesome for me to be able to recover from surgery and adjust to being a mommy while getting lots of sleep. Yes, I would love even 6 hours of uninterrupted sleep, especially now with a VERY active 9 month old, but it's part of the mommy thing! :o)

Okay- Ti has now been crying for 35 minutes and the coughing that precedes the puking has started. Off I go to calm him down and start the process all. over. again.

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