Friday, April 22, 2011

Mmhmmm Good

Whole wheat cal zones with pepperoni or hamburger meat.

Sorry, I forgot to take a finished picture. These puppies were soo good!!!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Best. Dog. Ever.

Hi! My name is Feliz.

I am a Australian Shepard/Lab mix.

I am beautiful!

I am also very crazy. I'm terrified of thunderstorms, firecrackers, plow trucks, and gunfire. At the first of any of the aforementioned things I shake, pant, and try to turn into a lapdog. It's not my fault I'm too big! I might even try to sit on your head! I also don't like to be left alone- inside or out. I most likely will cause some sort of property damage if you do either.

**Feliz wearing her "Thunder coat"**

I am a very patient dog. This past weekend I hung out with my nephew, Titus. He is a crazy kid! He thinks I'm an obstacle course- something to climb over. He pulls my fur, bites my tail, smacks my head, and STEALS MY BALLS!!! But I just lick him all over and if necessary move to the other side of the room or my favorite spot on the couch for a break. Titus seems to like me. A lot. All. the. time. Whenever he was awake he came looking for me. It was a fun weekend. I enjoyed playing with Titus, but I REALLY enjoyed Ti's naps. :o)

Dear Feliz:
You are, indeed, the best dog ever. Thank you for be such a good girl and for being so patient with my kid. I'm sure it was annoying to be crawled over constantly and whacked with a a toy wrench. You are awesome!


Mr. Fix-it

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Yogurt Head

Awhile back I tried yogurt at a restaurant. I had been reading about it's health benefit and was very curious whether or not I would like it. I LOVED it!! I asked the waitress what kind it was and was told it vanilla. Hmmm it was soooo good!! I decided to try plain yogurt as well because I know that plain has less sugar and probably is even better for you. It was gross! (Sorry to those of you who like not so much.)

So, I'm sticking to vanilla, which actually doesn't have that much more sugar than plain- not enough to deter me from it's deliciousness. I've also been reading up on foods for Titus now that he's in the wonderful stage of solids. Having read that while cow's milk *should* be avoided until about 12 months, yogurt is great for babies I figured he should try some. He. loves. it!!!!! I started out giving it to him with breakfast. Fruit first than a little bit of yogurt. Then I gave him yogurt after lunch one day and then after dinner on another. Now he has it three times a day and it doesn't matter how much other food he eats, he's always game for some yogurt! The last few days, however, he hasn't been into eating solids. I don't know what's up with him. He will eat his yogurt though! Not as much as he used to, but he will flat out refuse everything else. I'm not sure how good it is for him to eat that three meals a day but there are worse things he could be eating. :o)

Friday, April 8, 2011

Trials: Friend or Foe?

For most people if asked this question- "Are trials good or bad?" they would immediately say, "Bad!". That would honestly be my first thought as well. Who wants trials in their life? Isn't the goal to have a smooth life? Most days I could easily go without any trials. I wouldn't miss them!

While reading my Bible this morning, I found a couple verses that taught me that trails are a good thing! What?!?! That definitely goes against anything that I think or feel when dealing with a trial. But, it's true. According to God's Word, trials are good and we should "count it all joy" when we "meet trials of various kinds" (James 1:2-4 ESV).  Here are the full verses:

"Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing."    James 1:2-4 (ESV)

"Count it all joy"...yeah, that does not sound like something I want to do! When I'm having a hard day or facing a challenge, I don't want to be joyful! I want to pout and have a bad attitude and for people to feel bad for me. But, that is my human, sinful response to tests or trials that God, in His sovereign grace, may allow me to go through. God doesn't call me to live by my emotions, but to live by faith. Faith in Him! He knows what He's doing. He's in control and will "work all things together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose" (Romans 8:28 ESV). Side-note: notice that in Romans it says God will work things together for good according to HIS purpose! Not mine, my husband's, or my neighbor's. His. His purpose and His alone. This reminds me of a verse in Isaiah that says, " For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts higher than your thoughts" (Isaiah 55:8-9 ESV). 

I should be looking at trials and tests as a chance to grow in steadfastness. Now, when I first read these verses I wasn't sure what steadfastness was. I knew it was good and a character quality that God wanted in my life, but I didn't know how to define it. Praise God for dictionaries!  :o) According to steadfastness means- "fixed in direction; steadily directed/ firm in purpose, resolutionfaith, attachment, etc., as person/ unwavering, as resolution, faith, adherence, etc./ firmly established, as an institution or a state of affairs./ firmly fixed in place or position."  Being steadfast means to be firm or, my favorite, unwavering. God wants us to grow in faith so we can be firm and unwavering in what we believe and what we know is true! 

Trials and tests are supposed to be teaching us to be steadfast in our faith in God. A chance to grow should be viewed as a blessing and greeted with joy. I know. Looking at tests and trials with joy and excitement at the chance to grow seems impossible but Jesus said, "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible." (Matthew 19:26 ESV). I can't change my view of trials on my own. I need God to work in my heart and renew my mind to have the correct perspective. I want to grow in my faith. I want to be described as steadfast. It won't happen overnight.

 But with God, it will happen. :o) 

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

So big

Here is a short clip of Ti showing off what he's learning :o)

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


My son breaks my heart! It's nap time. He's beyond ready for sleep and yet he's upstairs crying. He's been crying for 25 minutes now. There was a lull and I was hoping he would drift off but no! He started up again. I have checked on him and he's fine- just stubborn. He still prefers to sleep in our bed even though he has a brand new crib that is awesome! (Thanks to Gramma Sherri!)

 I don't know if it's the teething or a possible growth spurt but this little boy is so clingy! I love that he wants and needs me. I really do. I know it doesn't seem like it as I sit here and write this post while he's upstairs crying. But I do love him. I love him so much that I want him to be able to sleep, and sleep on his own, and sleep well. We're working on that first part and the second will be my next target. You see, my fantastic little boy has ceased sleeping through the night. I thought I had it made. In reality, I did have it made. Titus slept through the night consistently from August to December. Then he started getting teeth, and sick, and more teeth, and sick again. Sickness has passed, but teeth are still coming and he has lost the ability to sleep through the night apparently. I'm grateful for the time he did sleep through the night. It was awesome for me to be able to recover from surgery and adjust to being a mommy while getting lots of sleep. Yes, I would love even 6 hours of uninterrupted sleep, especially now with a VERY active 9 month old, but it's part of the mommy thing! :o)

Okay- Ti has now been crying for 35 minutes and the coughing that precedes the puking has started. Off I go to calm him down and start the process all. over. again.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

2 years

A few weeks ago (March 14th) was our 2 year anniversary. I can't believe how much has happened in the last 2 years and how fast it has seemed to be moving. I love being married and I really really love being married Bryan!

Bryan surprised me (about 2 weeks ago) and told me we were going to stay overnight somewhere and just hang out all day. I had a slight moment of panic at the thought of being away from my Titus for a night. Bryan very quickly saw my face and told me that Titus was coming. *sigh of relief* I know that I need to leave him eventually but don't really want to yet. Who would want to leave this cutie??

I made reservations at The Clarion Hotel. Our only criteria was that it had a pool and hopefully a complimentary breakfast. This place had both of those. We were so excited!

Here are some pictures from Titus' first time swimming and our shopping trip.

poor kid was wiped out!

Overall we had a blast!!! Such a good time as a family!