Thursday, February 3, 2011


I need it. Bryan needs it. Titus really needs. But for some reason I absolutely suck at executing it!

I love going with the flow and just letting things happen, but that usually means when I go to bed at night a lot of things didn't get done that needed to be completed. I had to stay up last night to switch over the laundry so my man could have clean work clothes this morning. If I had a routine that I actually stuck to this wouldn't have happened (at least it shouldn't have happened).

From the get go with Titus I have done my best to have some sort of routine. It focused on when he ate and when he slept. Everything else just got shoved in inbetween or forgotten about completely. Titus was and still is awesome at sticking with a routine for a few days then when I think "Hey maybe this will stick," he completely changes it! Little butt! :o) We generally nursed every three hours and took naps inbetween. It probably is my fault that we don't have a very good routine because I value sleep *way* too much and never wanted to set my alarm in the morning to have a specific starting time for our day. So it isn't probably my fault it *definitely* my fault. I read and heard from friends that starting your day at the same time helps make the rest of the day more predictable and it's easier to have a routine that way. But, I'm lazy and now I'm paying for it!

God has been working in my heart and showing me how I can be more diligent in serving and blessing my family. To do that I need a routine where I know when I'm supposed to do what. Otherwise I always find something else to do instead of scrubbing down the bathroom, doing laundry, or cleaning up clutter. I've been reading up on making daily routines/schedules and see that there are two major ways to do it. You can have a specific time for a specific task or you can have an order in which you do things at general times during your day. I prefer the second. I think have specific times would be a little too structured for me, but if that would benefit my family then I'm gonna do it. But I'm going to try the more general routine first. :)

So, here is my daily routine...
7:00-8:00 : get up/change and nurse (if he wants to) Ti
Breakfast for me and the Ti-man
Play with Ti- stories/songs/floor time/ etc
Ti's first nap (usually around 9-9:30) and devotion time for me
When Ti gets up- nurse and alone play time--- me: cleaning/to-do list
Lunch for me and Titus/hang out with my baby
Nap for Ti (around 1-1:30) and maybe nap for me if I need it--finish cleaning/relax
When Ti gets up- nurse and play with Mommy/ dinner prep
Dinner and short nap for Ti
Clean up dinner and hang out as a family
Nurse Ti and put him to bed
Hang out with the hubby (if he's not working)/cleaning/ relax/ bed

The nap times have been somewhat consistent for the last week and half- longest ever!! So hopefully this routine thing will work for us. I will keep you posted! If anyone has suggestions I would love to hear them!!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with the routine!! It gets easier as the kids get older and involved in activities and the routine becomes chaos!! Keeping busy helps, having set deadlines. Lord knows I have plenty of them and that's not good for a procrastinator!!
