I love how green everything is while it's raining and right after. It's a deep green that fades quickly with lots of sunlight. It's beautiful!
Rain is needed to help things grow and all that jazz, but seriously! Enough already! We have had rain every day for a week and it's in the forecast for the next week. Our gardens are waters, the trees are watered. Everything is watered and our backyard is turning into a pond! The poor farmers need to start working the fields and they need to cut hay soon, but they can't because it's raining.
I know I shouldn't complain and that I should be grateful. I am thankful for the rain. But, I am also thankful for sunlight! I wish we had more of it! :) I need sunlight. It makes me happy and helps me feel normal! :)Tomorrow it's supposed to be sunny and warm. Too bad it's only for one day, though- not enough for people to get things done. But the sunshine will be greatly appreciated!!
I need to move to a sunnier place....