Saturday, January 29, 2011


Psalm 37:4 Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.

Psalm 145: 16-21 You open your head; you satisfy the desire of every living thing. The Lord is righteous in all His ways and kind in all his works. The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth. He fulfills the desire of those who fear him; he also hears their cry and saves them. The Lord preserves all who love him, but all the wicked he will destroy. My mouth will speak the praise of the Lord, and let all flesh bless his holy name forever and ever.

Isaiah 58:11a And the Lord will guide you continually and satisfy your desire

A little bit of encouragement- now I must go rescue the crying baby :o)

Friday, January 28, 2011

My Men

I love my men! Bryan is the best and Titus is such a blessing! I also love how they love each other! When Bryan gets home from work Titus wants no one else, no toys, nothing...just his daddy. :o)

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


I love taking pictures! I love capturing great moments that can look back on. I love looking through photo albums (either digital or *real*).

However, I stink at taking pictures! I'm not that talented with a camera but I'm talking about actually taking the pictures. I forget to use the wonderful camera I have! I forget it when we go out or I decide it "too far away" when I see a picture perfect moment. For example: we were going next door to visit Bryan's grandparents yesterday and since it was ridiculously cold out I put a hat on Titus and then wrapped him up burrito style in a big fleece blanket. It was so cute! He had a big smile on his face and was just plain adorable. *But* my camera was *all the way upstairs* and I'm lazy so I missed out on a great picture. I'm hoping I will be able to get that one later today when we go out. I need to get in the habit of carrying it with me so I can take pictures throughout our day.

Jumping Bean

Titus loves his jumper. I love it too. It's great exercise and entertainment for the little man. It also allows me to do things like go to the bathroom, eat, clean up a little bit. :o)

You can't see his face but the tongue is too cute!

He's getting so tall!

Titus refused to smile because he was busy humming. :)

Mommy's Little Monster

"How could anyone think I'm a monster?"

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Falling asleep

We are continuing to work with Titus on falling asleep on his own. He usually does really well but he was sick recently and ended up falling asleep on people a lot. I know, my bad! However while falling asleep in my arms he picked up a new habit: playing with my hair. I love it! Normally when he is wide awake my hair is something to pull and put in his mouth, but not when he's sleepy! Ti just reaches up and runs his hand through my hair until he falls asleep. It makes it so hard to put him in bed and walk away when we could have that special cuddle time. However, I know putting himself to sleep is a lifelong skill that is necessary for life (he can't play with my hair forever).

Come on, how cute it that? I actually find it so relaxing- makes me want to take a nap too!

Thursday, January 20, 2011


My heart races in anticipation. My knees melt and my hands get sweaty. Butterflies are flying without caution in my stomach.

His smile brings me joy. His kind words warm my heart. His touch calms every anxiety and fear. His presence makes my day.

I'm falling in love with husband all over again. :o)

Monday, January 17, 2011


I have recently started messing around on Shutterfly tryingto make a photo album book thing. When we registered for baby stuff at Target they gave us a bag of goodies and in said bag was a $20 giftcard to Shutterfly. I keep forgetting we have it but thankfully I found it and realized I only have a few more months to use it.

This site is awesome! It's digital scrapbooking and I love it! I spent one of Ti's naps today messing around trying to get a book together. Bryan and I decided we are going to work on one, but not finish it until Titus turns one and it can be photos of the first year of his life.

There is so much you can do! I love how they make it so simple. You can choose a theme for the book or you can change the colors and set-up for every page. I discovered a feature today called storyboard- awesome! Basically you pick what photos you want on what page and then the site chooses a layout to fit all of your pictures. Then you can go page by page and select a better layout if you want after seeing the pictures together.

This project is seriously as simple as you want to make it. I started out simple then I got excited and now I'm in the middle of a big project with a list of pictures I need taken and 6 months of Titus' life that need to be lived before this project can be finished.

Friday, January 14, 2011

The love of my life...

The spiritual side of me says Jesus is the love of my life. And He is. I'm learning to make Him the love of my life.

However this post is not about that. It's about my wonderful husband!! He is great! He lives Jesus and wants to grow in holiness. Bryan works hard whether it's at Wal-mart or here at home doing freelance graphic design. Hes patient with me and my craziness. He's an amazing daddy and I live watching him with Titus. It breaks my heart when Ti watches Bry leave a room and cries. I am married to my best friend who is an amazing blessing! I'm so grateful for how God is working in our lives and our marriage.

Bryan is amazing and I love him!!! End of story.

Happy Friday!

Happy Friday!!!

Feminine Appeal by Carolyn Mahaney

Read it. It's amazing. It's life-changing. A must read!

The end.

ps. image is from

Thursday, January 13, 2011


I have to say that I am a very blessed new mommy. I have not had many nights of little-to-no sleep. (In fact, the worst sleep was at the end of my pregnancy when I always had to pee!) I am grateful that Titus understands that nighttime is for sleeping. As a brand spankin' new baby he woke up every 3-4 hours at night for about the first 2 weeks then he switched to every 5-6. Now, thankfully he will go about 7-8 hours, eat, then sleep for another 2-3. I'm looking forward to the morning where I wake up and realize there was no early morning feeding! :o)

Despite all of this, though, I'm finding that I want more sleep. All. the. time! I'm looking forward to the days when, just maybe, I will feel rested and not be watching the clock for the chance for a nap or to be able to go to bed.

This post is a little whiny and I apologize- but hey I'm tired! :o)

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


My kid is a champ! Titus caught this stupid bug that is going around. If you don't spend a lot of time with him you would never know he was sick! I know because I change his diapers and am the frequent target of spit up (which is smelling more like throw up). But seriously other than that there are no signs! Like I said he's a champ!

Praying I don't get it now, or if I do that it hits at a convenient time (like when I'm not home alone with the baby)!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Bugs and fevers...

There is a nasty stomach bug going around and it's taking out my family! Bryan's mom and gramma are both recovering from having it this weekend. Bryan caught it last night and is still feeling rather gross. Luckily Titus and I don't have it...yet. I'm not holding my breath though I'm assuming I will get it soon and this is not a bug you want to "share" with anyone, especially when there is only one bathroom! Praying the bug stops with Bryan and doesn't visit our house again!

Fevers are crazy things! Titus has had a "low-grade" fever (100.1-3 and 99.9) since his doctor appointment yesterday morning. He got his shots yesterday and usually he doesn't have any reactions other than muscle soreness but Tylenol takes care of that nicely. BUT yesterday Ti turned 6 months- the magic number for the Flu vaccine. He got it and has had a fever since. Thankfully it seems to be better now. (I will get into the whole vaccine debacle in a minute.) I am so grateful for how Ti handles not feeling well! He was extra clingy yesterday and was fussier than usual, but it wasn't too bad! And, as a side-note, I think it's interesting how Titus' cheeks don't get warm with a fever- I have been with a lot of kids that that was the case. It's actually kind of hard to determine whether or not he has one by touch...thank goodness for thermometers!

Okay the vaccine debacle- I was planning on no vaccines for the 1st year and then only doing the ones required for school attendance. But, Bryan didn't see anything wrong with the vaccines- and there really isn't anything wrong with them.  (Not doing them was just my preference.) Let me tell you- this issue was the HARDEST thing to be submissive and bless my husband in. I struggled with being angry because he wasn't going with what I wanted. So at 2 months Ti got his shots and it wasn't horrible- he cried like crazy and was a little sore later in the day but other than that nothing happened. Same with his 4 month appointment. Then yesterday was his 6 month appointment and Ti was supposed to get the last round of the vaccines that he was getting. I knew the Flu shot would be mentioned and since I would never get one I figured why would I give one to Ti? Well then started the inner battle back and forth of my motives for not doing that specific shot. My thoughts- NO b/c the flu isn't that horrible if you stay hydrated (yes, I know it sucks); the most dangerous time for a baby is *before* they turn 6 months; I've heard of some getting the flu from the shot (or the symptoms of the flu w/o actually having the flu)- YES b/c I'm a mommy and my mindset is soo different now! (I don't wanna do anything to risk his well-being.) So- we ended at we might as well let him have the shot...which I now regret! I wasn't that sold on the vaccine in the first place and Ti has had this stupid fever. Yes, I know a fever means that the body is fighting the weakened virus and he is creating antibodies- all good stuff. BUT I struggle with the fact that my kid felt like crap because of a decision I made that I'm not entirely sure was for his best. The flu shot has a second does that he is supposed to get in a month...not sure that's going to happen.

Sorry for the crazy rant that might not make sense :o)

Saturday, January 1, 2011


I have to admit that I always succumb to the fad of making "New Years Resolutions" and I always fail. I resolve to "be a better" whatever and I don't see the changes I want as fast as I want and so I lose motivation and focus and I quit. I see myself as a failure at whatever the attempt was and I pout until I have enough gumption to try it again. The problem was I was attempting all this separate from Christ. I was trying to do it on my own and every time I failed miserably! You would think I would catch on sooner, but I can be pretty stupid and I am very stubborn. Praise God He is patient and loving and will never give up on me! I'm so thankful for His loving reminder that He has things He wants to change in my life and that with Him I can do it.

Instead of listing a bunch of changes for my life, I am making a list of goals for this year. With each goal will come *a lot* of changes- some harder than others. I don't want my mindset to be in checklist format in this area. I don't want these changes to be just something I try to get done and forget about later. I want them to be lasting. If I'm reaching for a goal the changes will have to remain in order to attain that goal.

My goals for 2011:
Grow in my walk with God: daily time with God, fellowship with other believers, Scripture memorization
Grow in my role as a wife: study what God says about my role, read books and blogs that are helpful, find a mentor (older woman of faith), remember to keep this relationship higher on my priority list than Titus
Grow in my role as a mom: seek God's wisdom in raising Titus, read books (and blogs) for ideas and principles
Learn how to keep a house more effectively: read through and idea book from my mom, blogs, hanging out with my mom
Learn more about cooking and branch out with trying new recipes: blogs, recipe websites
Try to be more consistent with this blog and sharing my experiences (this is a minor one, but still one I would like to work on)

What are your goals for 2011?